Lets Talk

Why Do Dogs Yawn?

Apr 04, 2023
Dog Yawning

Why Do Dogs Yawn?

Dogs can yawn for a number of reasons, and it can be a sign of both physical and emotional states.

One of the most common reasons that dogs yawn is simply due to tiredness, or waking up/settling down, or just out of boredom, very similar traits to us in this respect.

Yawning can also be a way for dogs to release tension or stress, similar to how humans may take a deep inhalation of breath or stretch when we're feeling anxious.

They may also yawn as a form of communication. Dogs are social animals and use body language to convey messages to each other and to their human companions. A yawn can indicate that a dog is feeling submissive or is trying to defuse a potentially tense situation.

Almost to counter the last point a dog may also yawn as a sign of excitement or anticipation, particularly when it is about to engage in a fun activity.

Yawning is perfectly normal but excessive yawning in dogs can sometimes be a sign of a health issue. For example, dogs with heart problems or respiratory issues may yawn more frequently than usual as a way to compensate for their reduced ability to breathe.

If you notice that your dog is yawning excessively or in a way that seems unusual for them, it's a good idea to have them checked out by a vet to rule out any underlying health issues.