Lets Talk

Why do dogs tug on our clothes?

May 01, 2023
Dog tugging on clothes

As annoying as it can sometimes be, dogs may tug on our clothes for a variety of reasons, including playfulness, seeking attention, or trying to communicate a need or desire. Here are some possible explanations for why dogs may tug on our clothes:

Dogs may tug on clothes as part of their natural play behaviour. Dogs are social animals and often use play to bond with their human family members. Tugging on clothes may be a way for a dog to engage in a play with us.

Attention seeking is another option and I've found to be one of the most common. If a dog feels ignored or wants something, they may resort to tugging on clothes as a way of communicating their needs.

Anxious or fearful dogs may tug on clothes as a way of seeking comfort from us. Tugging on clothes may be a way for a dog to signal that they are feeling stressed or scared.

We may have inadvertently trained our dog to tug on our clothes as part of a game or obedience exercise. Tugging on clothes may be a learned behaviour that the dog has been rewarded for in the past, as we laugh at how cute it is when our wee pup is so cute.

It's important to understand why your dog is tugging on your clothes, as it may be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. If you're unsure why your dog is tugging on your clothes or if the behaviour is causing problems, it's a good idea to consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviourist.