Lets Talk

How Do You Introduce a New Puppy to your Dog

Apr 13, 2023
New Puppy Introduction

How Do You Introduce a New Puppy to your Dog

Introducing a new puppy to your dog can be a delicate process that requires patience, planning, and careful monitoring. Here are some tips that may help make the introduction smoother:

  • Introduce the two dogs in a neutral location that neither dog considers their territory. This can help reduce the likelihood of any territorial behavior.

  • Keep both dogs on a lead during the introduction, and allow them to sniff each other at a safe distance. Do not force them to interact if they are not comfortable doing so.

  • Praise both dogs for good behaviour during the introduction, and give them treats and toys to help them associate each other with positive experiences.

  • Monitor the dogs interactions closely, and intervene if one dog becomes aggressive or overly dominant. You may need to separate them for short periods if they are not getting along.

  • Gradually increase their time together: Start with short periods of time together, and gradually increase the length of time as they become more comfortable with each other.

  • Remember that it may take time for the dogs to adjust to each other. Be patient and don’t rush the process.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth introduction between your new puppy and your dog, and set the stage for a happy relationship between them.