Lets Talk

Why Do Dogs Dig?

Apr 14, 2023
Dogs Digging

Why Do Dogs Dig?

Dogs dig for various reasons, and can be a natural behaviour for them. Here are some possible reasons why dogs dig:

Dogs are descended from wolves, and digging is a natural instinct for them. Wolves dig dens to live in or to bury food for later use, and this behaviour could have been passed down to domesticated dogs.

Dogs may dig out of boredom, especially if they are left alone for long periods. Digging provides a way for dogs to expend energy and entertain themselves.

Dogs may dig to create a comfortable spot to rest or cool down. In hot weather, dogs may dig shallow holes to lie in and enjoy the cool earth.

A dog may dig in the garden to try to access certain plants or vegetables that they find appealing, which could be a sign that they are not getting all of the nutrients they need from their regular diet.

Some dogs may dig to hunt prey, such as rodents or insects. This behaviour is more common in certain breeds, such as terriers, who were bred for hunting small game.

Dogs may dig out of anxiety or stress. This can be a coping mechanism for dogs who are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.

If your dog is digging excessively, it's important to identify the underlying cause and address it.

Making sure your dog has plenty of exercise, mental stimulation, and a comfortable resting spot can help reduce excessive digging behaviour.