Lets Talk

How does a Dog's ear position help indicate their mental state while walking?

Jul 04, 2023
Dogs Ears


I was out with my dogs early this morning and was particularly taken by their ears and thought it'd be good to give you an insight into what their ear position indicates when they're out on an expedition (a walk).

Here are some general reasons for their ear positions that will help you read how your dogs feeling.

Of course those of you with floppy eared dogs may have to look a little closer for more slight changes to their ear position.


Forward and sticking upright


If your dog's ears are pointed forward and upright, they'll be showing they're more aware and are engaging with their surroundings. They are more than likely interested in their environment, alert to all the sounds, and actively taking in as much information as they need.


Relaxed and Neutral


When your dog's ears are in a relaxed position it would suggest a sense of calmness and contentment. Your dog is likely feeling comfortable and enjoying the walk without any specific concerns or heightened arousal.


Flattened or Pinned-back


If your dog's ears are flattened against their head or pinned back, it normally signifies fear, anxiety, or submission. They might be feeling uncomfortable, stressed, or even threatened by something in the environment. This is not always the case so be sure to pay attention to their other body cues to identify if there is an issue and then provide reassurance or remove them from the situation if necessary.


One Ear Forward, One Ear Back


This could indicate divided attention, where they are focusing on different stimuli or trying to process conflicting information. It may suggest that they are uncertain or curious about something in their surroundings or simply listening to two things at once. I tested this by speaking while they had their attention on a stimuli and one ear popped back to pay attention to the noise coming out my mouth.



Ear position can indicate whats going on with your state of mind but it's essential to consider other body language signals, such as tail position, facial expressions, and overall behaviour as well.

Every dog is unique, and some breeds might have specific ear characteristics that influence their natural ear position.

By paying attention to your dog's whole body, you will get a better understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and comfort level during walks.